▶ EZ chuck's capability is 6mm.
▶ Made from SCM-435.
▶ Made in Taiwan.
▶ EZチャック許容範囲は6mm
▶ SCM-435材質
▶ EZ 鑽夾頭夾持範圍為6mm
▶ 材質為SCM-435
▶ 台灣製造
Safety and Warning
▶ Wear all the protection before using .(Gloves, Eye protection, ... etc.)
▶ Make sure the connect tool is in the middile of the jaws before tighten it.(It will affect it's runout performance)
▶ Do not connect the tools which diameter is bigger than chuck's capability.
▶ Light duty use only.(Do not use it on cement, heavy metal or something hardness is really high)
▶ 工作過程請著相關安全裝備(手套,護目鏡,頭盔,... 等)
▶ 請確保三爪收緊前夾持的工具位於三爪的正中央(這會影響偏擺的輸出)
▶ 鑽夾頭前端所連接的工具外徑請勿超過鑽夾頭本身最大可夾持範圍(6mm鑽夾頭請夾持6mm以下的鑽尾或其他工具)
▶ 輕度加工使用(請勿用於重加工如: 水泥加工,重金屬或任何硬度高的物件)

The source of picture : https://www.fxsppe.com/news-info.asp?id=43 甫欣盛國際有限公司
圖片出處 : https://www.fxsppe.com/news-info.asp?id=43 甫欣盛國際有限公司
写真のソース : https://www.fxsppe.com/news-info.asp?id=43 甫欣盛國際有限公司