▶ Capable to insert no matter 9.5, 13.5 or double end power groove.
▶ 1/2 inch(3/8 inch) square to 1/4 inch hex quick release adapter.
▶ Made from Chrome vanadium alloy steel.
▶ Made in Taiwan.
▶電動工具の1/2 "(3/8")平方から1/4"六角クイックリリース・ソケットアダプター
▶ 不論歐規9.5溝或日規13.5溝甚至雙頭BIT都能夠使用
▶ 1/2 寸(12.8mm) [3/8 寸(9.5mm)]的四角頭轉接1/4寸(6.35mm)的六角快脫轉接頭
▶ 鉻釩合金鋼製做
▶ 台灣製造
Safety and Warning.
▶ Make sure install the safety pin and O-ring before using it.
▶ Wear all the protection before using.(Gloves, Eye protection ... etc.)
▶ 使用前請確實安裝安全插削
▶ 工作過程請著相關安全裝備(手套,護目鏡,頭盔,... 等)

The source of picture : https://www.fxsppe.com/news-info.asp?id=43 甫欣盛國際有限公司
圖片出處 : https://www.fxsppe.com/news-info.asp?id=43 甫欣盛國際有限公司
写真のソース : https://www.fxsppe.com/news-info.asp?id=43 甫欣盛國際有限公司